A New Beginning
I was wrong about what the software world needed.
When I initiated a career change to become a software leadership consultant, my belief was that software leaders needed help leading. I thought that those leaders knew well how to make software, but that they did not know well how to lead a team to do the same. I thought that they needed help with people skills, with socially organizing their teams, with defining and communication their visions, or with creating psychologically safety.
I was wrong. This lack of leadership skill was not the problem getting in the way of creating effective software teams
Time after time, team after team, company after company, engagement after engagement, the same truth emerged: software leaders do not, in fact, know well how to make software.
The software world just isn’t very good at deploying working software.
So, my task is simpler: teach the world how to better make software.
My daily writings will now switch focus to that. Enjoy.